A fun, engaging and creative class for toddlers and their adults. Mums, dads, carers, aunties, uncles, grannies, all are welcome! This monthly class is starting from Thursday 10th October 2019 from 11:30 - 12:15pm with Tash Neely and costs £8 per class or £30 for block of 5 classes.
Parent and toddler yoga gives you the space to relax and enjoy the practice alongside your little one. Providing a lovely opportunity to bond with each other, connect to the body and breathe whilst having some fun. We’ll explore yoga poses to develop strength, balance, and coordination. We’ll also learn how the breath can be used to calm ourselves. Yoga can help toddlers (and everyone!) to relax and sleep better so come along and find ways to calm and settle together. Every class closes with a mini savasana (relaxation), a time for you and your little one to snuggle under a blanket together and await a special visit from the magical yoga butterfly!
We’ll discover yoga playfully through stories, games and songs. Throughout the term in our weekly classes your little one will gain confidence and develop their communication skills and creative self-expression.
A certain amount of chaos is expected! The class will have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, so don’t worry if your toddler is feeling grumpy, tired, wants to run around or do their own thing, we will go with the flow, I welcome their creative input, they can show the rest of the group how to do their own version of tree-pose! I also understand that some toddlers will engage in the class and some won’t, we are all still gaining from the experience: moving, stretching, breathing, smiling and being together!
This class is suitable for all levels of yoga experience. Stay on afterwards for a toddler friendly biscuit and a chat! Available to book on MoveGB and Hoop too.
Next dates: Wednesday 7th November, 12th December 2019, 9th January and 13 February 2020