Our timetable is changing slightly from Autumn term (from 6th September). We have a new Slow Flow & Yin Yoga with lzzy on Wednesday at 7:30 - 8:30 pm (starting 15th September) and Travis is taking over Hatha Yoga on Tuesday at 6 - 7pm. Now that lzzy is back, Sunday night class will be taught by her from this week and our prenatal Pilates/Yoga class with Claire is now from 4-5pm on Monday.
You can now come along as a drop when there are spaces available but it's best to book in advance to secure your space: https://bristolyogacentre.co.uk/booking
You can either sign up for the term, purchase 5 class pass or come along for a single class. We’re also going to continue online classes. We hope to see you in class!