I'm excited to announce that Sara-Jo is doing a lovely Yoga for Backs workshop on Sunday 29th October from 11:00am -13:00pm. This is a therapeutic class focusing on alleviating and managing back problems. The class will end with a rejuvenating relaxation.
Sara-Jo teaches weekly yoga for backs class on Tuesdays at 16:30 - 17:30pm at the Bristol Yoga Centre and is one of the few registered teacher for Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs. She is also currently studying iRest Yoga Nidra, which is a highly effective relaxation technique.
The workshop will be a great way to get a taster of the Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs 12 Week Course that's starting in November. More information on this course will be available very soon on our website. In the mean time, feel free to contact Sara-Jo for more information.